Friday, April 17, 2015

Being Job Less and Humans in Offices

When i was in my child hood , i used to received to many uncles at home being called "Chacha" in Urdu language. I was always surprised and used to ask my mother , how can i have to many "Chachas", then she educated me about a friend ship relation between my father and these uncles coming home from different backgrounds.

One of the them was Hadi uncle, my father saved him in the bombardment of India to Karachi in 1965 war's days, when he got hurt, was not located for almost a day by his newly wed wife and little kids, My father took his bike and reached him, locating injured and then took him back home saving his life, when even his close family members were not able to help him .

What ever i have written above is to express the situation or moral degradation these days, i spent almost 10 years of relations ship with people in my last office and these days i am facing joblessness, But my kids are not able to call anyone "Chacha" as of mines, because these days the hunger has no limit, relations are build up as in line with good status one can have, people will meet and help you, if you belong to major group leading in the market, people will have relations if you are ethnically, religiously or have some other common grounds matching with each other.

Otherwise one have to face continues pain. I am so much worried about this new scenario but at same time still hope full for few Island with old values too, those are helping hand without creed and cast and may God promote them well in the society for a safer society for our kids. 

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