Tuesday, May 19, 2015

USSD verses Web Apps for e-Payments

USSD services being used by major mobile banking service providers in Pakistan is easy for ruler population to handle, under no educational mode of using technology for doing banking, whereas ever expending reach of latest cell handsets with touch screens, enabling users for Apps base designs to do the same business, but issue comes again with the ruler population to handle web apps for their banking needs, a solution is needed indeed to not to make it a show stopper in operating M-wallets or E-wallets within that major segment of society.

USSD may be understood on following websites.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

05-05-2014 Un-explainable Pain Indeed.

Thanks to life after 5th of May 2014 , making me more power full to bear realities of life and allowing me to see real faces of so called humans around, those believes on you with proven DNA reports only an with no other exception acceptable, if you are about to offer them your heart and you are to receive any mercy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

CNIC Number Attachment with Mwallet Account

Soon NTN number will be our CNIC number in Pakistan as per the statement of finance minister Ishaq Dar, why not government add one more option (MWALLET, EWALLET) accounts for everyone while getting a CNIC card, so issue is to educate those who can really support the MWallet account opening cause with available force to implement.

After it any decided single entity or multiple platforms should come in to support this idea as switch with due share of everyone, for their services. All kind of scarifies will be required from all ends to see this coming into reality, that’s the only issue in Pakistan to purchase Kinno etc from any “thela wala”, which is indeed a wonderful safe future of Pakistan with much better identity management covering security issues as well with all kind of purchases and tracking financials of any individual by just entering the CNIC number. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Rail Network of Pakistan and Required Improvement

Few days back i was travelling in an auto rickshaw, to get into my area, near Karachi air port. When auto reached to a tunnel, above that tunnel a train was passing quickly to its destination. Suddenly the auto driver stopped the auto well before tunnel, i inquired if anything is wrong there in the tunnel , he replied there is nothing wrong but this tunnel was made about 100 years back by British engineers, so he can not take the risk of getting into it while any train is passing over it and since decades we Pakistani have done nothing to improve this rail network infrastructure to stand well for some more time.

I was stunt to listen his argument for not entering into the tunnel, since to many times on my own car, i have never stopped myself for crossing it if there any train is coming over it.

Recently signed contracts with the President of China also includes some improvement in rail network across Pakistan, which will include northern areas as well, which is not yet connected to Pakistan, with this cheap means of transport and can improve tourism allot, from there anyone can reach to Karachi till Gawadar, if this becomes reality.

Karachi also needs a mass transit to avoid rush on roads in peek hours, which seem not possible until provincial matters are not settled between elected powers.

So lets hope Pak-China's recent talks may come with some good news for this neglected means of transport with much more convenience to masses.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Manora and Nearing Islands, Possibly the safe city of Pakistan's Economy.

Yesterday, i visited Manora Island of Karachi for the first time, doors of wonder opened to me seeing that big peace of land being used just for minor work of ship maintenance and staff residence, where as this can be converted into a little safe city for investors coming from foreign countries in different multinationals or to real estate to convert it like a palm Jumera Islands of Dubai, which is an artificial location, where as Manora is natural gift to Pakistan.

But with a difference of economic hub not for just residential purposes. I also know that if this idea is not possible in Manora due to K.P.T operations, so it could have been done in nearing Islands.

Then sometime i really think seeing lazy progress and corrupt mentality in administration of power sectors that we really need "Naya Pakistan" by some forceful miracles. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Alternate Delivery Channels | Environmental and Financial Risks in Pakistan

Last year i have started working in the electronic financial industry, we are mostly using mobile or internet technology, which is to give people alternate ways of connecting their financial accounts and activities with either banks or virtual accounts using electronic mode of payments and receiving of funds.

Following are few technologies that i am seeing will add more value to current electronic financial market in Pakistan to provide financial risk free environment so on so risk free societies with better identity management.




Read more about it on http://letstalkpayments.com/

Friday, April 17, 2015

Being Job Less and Humans in Offices

When i was in my child hood , i used to received to many uncles at home being called "Chacha" in Urdu language. I was always surprised and used to ask my mother , how can i have to many "Chachas", then she educated me about a friend ship relation between my father and these uncles coming home from different backgrounds.

One of the them was Hadi uncle, my father saved him in the bombardment of India to Karachi in 1965 war's days, when he got hurt, was not located for almost a day by his newly wed wife and little kids, My father took his bike and reached him, locating injured and then took him back home saving his life, when even his close family members were not able to help him .

What ever i have written above is to express the situation or moral degradation these days, i spent almost 10 years of relations ship with people in my last office and these days i am facing joblessness, But my kids are not able to call anyone "Chacha" as of mines, because these days the hunger has no limit, relations are build up as in line with good status one can have, people will meet and help you, if you belong to major group leading in the market, people will have relations if you are ethnically, religiously or have some other common grounds matching with each other.

Otherwise one have to face continues pain. I am so much worried about this new scenario but at same time still hope full for few Island with old values too, those are helping hand without creed and cast and may God promote them well in the society for a safer society for our kids.