Thursday, July 29, 2010

Resistance, Mobile Snatchers & Revolution

Few days back I dragged to a situation there I could not resist to the voice of my inner soul that forced me to give tough time to frequent mobile looters near my home. It was the routine of them to loot like five to ten peoples daily. I grabbed one of them and took him to the police lockup with the help of local people.

In result of that resistance I am having great pain in my right limping leg & faced a major threat to my life but similarly received caring words from my friends in office or home with few wise advises. Most of the advises were like do not ever put your life into the risk in such a condition & always GIVE UP.

On the other end a great thought process and wisdom is smiling on the courage of humanity these days to resists for having good faith also I can understand why people suggesting me to GIVE UP.

But the rare problem is poverty and lack of education in masses. Alarming situation of poverty is making people to loot snatch for their rights those we as nation and prosperous controls/ specially State (not always changing governments) are failed badly to make our nation at least educated.

Russian scientists among great educated Russians nation took them self to suicide or struggle, but anarchy could not reached and stayed for long , now educated Russians are fighting back greatly for new strong Russia for another world order.

Here in our country neither we are increasing budgets for education (In Year 2010 Decreased) nor giving easy accessible food to masses, in result facing what I have faced.

I have more words to explain but would end here with these words.

“Revolution/Change always comes in where people are educated no matter they are Poor or Rich”

I am afraid we are on a great failure for providing education/food to more then 70 % of the ever increasing illiterate population.

Note: By the way resistance is having a happy part which is infected road is not seeing any one looting any one since last one week, But I also know they will come again :(


Zohaib said...

Firstly when I read your blog , I thought for a moment to just read the blog and leave a comment like "Well Said" or "You are right". But being a BLUNT person, I want to say that you haven't tell something that is new for us.

Buddy, just let know the action items and build up the team who can bring revolution among the masses or who can trigger the masses to bring change to themselves.

Just take a start, believe me, I will be the first one to join you.

musawwir said...

You do not know me Zohaib and writing some thing to history is due part or Wajib-e-Kafaya means someone has to do it on behalf of everone.

musawwir said...

One more thing revolution is defined in each society differently for example struggle for 1000 years in China is nothing as nation they did it and now getting results, We Pakistani want everything very quickly, just witness the change in peoples voices you will feel an unbiased revolution coming into our life’s as well so be patience and do not ask me to lead just be a part to be with some who will definitely come to entire Ummah very soon as a savior God knows it better when but he will......

Anonymous said...

evolution tends to revolution...

but only if evolution is there..

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Рак и телец - классика жанра? [/url]
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